SD-WAN Cost Savings Calculator 

Calculate your potential cost savings when deploying an SD-WAN solution versus traditional branch routers for your multi-site business environment.

SD-WAN helps companies simplify their IT infrastructure, increase agility, security and cost effectiveness, all while optimizing application performance across WAN environments.

See how much your business could save by switching to SD-WAN

3 Year Savings

Year 3 Savings
Cost Reduction%
Cost Reduction

(((590 + [.connectCost]) * [.locations]) - ([.locations] * ([.connectCost] + [.bandwidth] + [.security]) + [.locations] * [.bandwidth] * [.devices] + [.locations] * [.security] * CEIL([.devices]))) / ((590 + [.connectCost]) * [.locations]) * 100
cost reduction*
Looks like you have a great deal already. Stick with it!

Existing Monthly Costs

Estimated Monthly Costs

Estimated Monthly Costs


(590 + [.connectCost]) * [.locations]

Estimated SD-WAN Cost


[.locations] * ([.connectCost] + [.bandwidth] + [.security]) + [.locations] * [.bandwidth] * [.devices] + [.locations] * [.security] * CEIL([.devices])

Monthly Savings

Monthly Savings
Monthly Savings

((590 + [.connectCost]) * [.locations]) - ([.locations] * ([.connectCost] + [.bandwidth] + [.security]) + [.locations] * [.bandwidth] * [.devices] + [.locations] * [.security] * CEIL([.devices]))

1 Year Savings

Year 1 Savings

3 Year Savings

Year 3 Savings

5 Year Savings

Year 5 Savings
To calculate savings, current monthly connectivity costs must exceed estimated SD-WAN costs.
Lumen® SD-WAN solutions provide automated security, optimized performance and intelligent scalability for driving digital innovation for your business. Sign up now to learn more about our SD-WAN solutions.

Learn more

Users of Lumen Adaptive Networking and SD-WAN solutions realized substantial improvements in network costs and operations, including:
  • >4x greater network bandwidth
  • 70% fewer unplanned outages
  • $4.5M higher revenue (per year, per organization) 
Your business could earn an approximately 331% return on investment over 5 years. Learn how by reading the research report from IDC.
Read the report