5 things to look for

when consolidating to a single UC&C provider

The hybrid office is here to stay. But tailoring, securing and managing a hybrid UCaaS solution requires deep expertise and the right mix of tools to unleash productivity, which is why consolidating with a single provider is critical. But how do you know which provider is right for your business?

Best-of-breed collaboration tools

From collaboration to CRM, sales, voice, customer service and data analysis, be sure your provider offers multiple platforms and expert services to integrate your related applications.


Lumen UC&C delivers an efficient unified experience that integrates:
  • Big-name solutions like Microsoft Teams, Cisco Webex, Zoom and more
  • Comprehensive portfolio including next-gen voice, collaboration, conferencing and contact center solutions
  • Our highly interoperable, solution-agnostic platform
  • Hybrid expertise, tools and services perfected over years

Efficiency to empower your business

Calculate the cumulative costs of managing ad hoc solutions in house vs. a managed suite on a single platform. Look for a flexible pricing model that makes sense for your business.


IDC projected for companies who consolidated UC&C with Lumen: 62% savings on operations over five years1
  • ROI of 497% within five years1
  • Reduced IT infrastructure costs by an average of $63,000 annually1
  • Mitigated risk of unplanned outages with annual average savings of $828,0001

62% savings

on operations over five years

A high-capacity, high-reliability global network

The right UC&C provider should also be a network provider to maximize your collaboration applications’ speed, scalability and reliability.

 ~450K route miles of fiber

with ~170K on-net fiber locations


The Lumen network is one of the largest, most secure and deeply peered networks in the world, featuring: 
  • ~450K route miles of fiber with ~170K on-net fiber locations
  • Owned physical infrastructure, not just OTT software on cloud
  • Enhanced encryption, threat detection and authentication
  • Next-gen voice solutions on a highly reliable global IP network

Efficiencies of scale to boost productivity

The right provider should have deep experience in planning, designing and migrating complex solution mixes, seamlessly integrating them with your current environment so your people are free to focus on innovation, not app integration.


Customers who consolidated with Lumen UC&C experienced: 
  • An average productivity rise of 29%2
  • A 92% reduction in unplanned downtime1

An average

productivity rise of 29%1

The experience, service and expertise to seamlessly bring it all together

Managing multiple UC&C platforms in a hybrid work environment requires a level of dedicated expertise few in-house IT teams possess.

50% less staff time

spent "keeping the lights on"1


Lumen provides enterprise-grade expertise before, during and after adoption of UC&C. Including:


  • Concierge services for seamless app integration
  • Access to world-class cloud infrastructure
  • Proactive security monitoring embedded at the fiber level
  • 50% less staff time spent "keeping the lights on"1
  • Trusted 24/7 management and support
  • 99.99% network availability SLA

UC&C optimized. So you can maximize.

Are you ready to maximize productivity, minimize costs and deliver exceptional experiences for your employees, partners and customers?


Contact us now to design the right hybrid UC&C suite for your business. 

1IDC: The Business Value of Enhanced Enterprise Communication with Lumen Voice and UC&C, April 2021

2Metrigy: Employee, Customer Experience Transformations Deliver Measurable Value, Q3 2020