Budgetary pricing for: {{Company}}

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Monthly cost estimate per location


${{={0:0,0} MonthlyCostLocation}} USD

Total contract cost estimate per location

(36 month default term)

${{={0:0,0} TotalContractLocation}} USD

Total monthly cost estimate for all specified locations


${{={0:0,0} MonthlyCostSpecified}} USD

Total contract cost estimate for all specified locations

(36 month default term)

${{={0:0,0} TotalContractSpecified}} USD

Start over
Management option: 
Number of locations: 

Term: 36 months

(default for estimate purposes)

Hardware platform


Service description

Primary connectivity


Secondary connectivity


Voice services





Custom solutions:

These services are not included in the estimate provided, unless noted. 

Hosted VM OS assumed


Edge technology services

Compute VNF (virtual network function)




Please note any pricing provided for connectivity assume that circuits are Lumen On-Net. Pricing for Off-Net locations will need to be assessed on an individual case basis.

This quote summary is for budgetary estimate purposes only. It is non-binding unless and until applicable terms and conditions are incorporated into a signed order which is thereafter accepted by Lumen. This quote summary is intended to provide directional pricing and sample configuration options; actual pricing and configuration are subject to offer validation and approval. Estimate does not include any one-time, setup charges that may be applicable.